Reasons why I took this job are many. Rewards are like diamonds in the rough. In the end, will it all be worth it? I wanted to have more rime with my family. I am busier than ever. Is that because this job is more inboved? Is it because I can't do anything half ass and I put my whole soul in everything that I do? I think staying with micro would have been an easier job. But would I like myself 20 years from now? I hope that in order to do something that I love that I don't lose people that I care about in the process. That is NOT my intention.

Have we created a monster??? At a recent family gathering my son was playing with his toy trains when I noticed that his youngest cousin, Abigail was watching him. When I asked Alex if he had asked Abigail if she wanted to play, he replied with, "she can't...her hands are dirty". My heart sank. Being that we were at a family function and yelling would probably not be too good, I did the next best thing. If Alex thought Abigail was too dirty to touch his toys, then he would have to clean her up. I armed him with a baby wipe and told him to clean the red sauce off of Abigail so that they could both play. He looked at me like I was a moron (I might be), but he took the wipe and started cleaning her hands off. He finished the task by carefully wiping her mouth. She let him, oddly enough, and was rather pleased at the attempt. When Alex had finished cleaning her to his specifications, he asked her which train she would like to play with. She pointed to the bright red, shiny train and said, "James". Alex seemed happy to oblige. As I waled away, rather pleased at my parenting "rescue", I wondered if my husband and I had created this "clean freak". The thought quickly left my head as I watched another child at the party wipe their icing stained hands all over another woman's expensive purse...we done good.