
Hair. It's a love hate relationship. My hair is naturally wavy, but curly at times. That means at any given time, I am required to have curling hair products, wavy hair products and straightening hair products on hand at all times. When I was younger my mom did what all moms of little girls do...what their mothers did to their hair, all the while saying "at least you have better tools now! We had to use juice cans!". Before every dance recital, my mom would shampoo our hair the night before and roll it in those sponge rollers. Yes...the ones that created the curls of frizz! Then we were expected to sleep on those. As most people with curly hair, I also have a tender head. That means when I brush my hurts! Badly! Like as if I can feel every hair on my head being pulled out one by one. My mother did not understand this. She has straight hair and LOVES having her hair brushed. Growing up my sisters and I would take turns playing "beauty shop". We would pull, curl, braid and I'm quite sure, tangle her hair. And she loved it. A lot. As a teenager I quit fussing over my mom's hair (my sister took over) and started putting energy in my own hair. When I hit high school my hair was a curly frizzy mess. I remember laying on the floor in the den, putting a towel over my long hair and ironing it. No...that was way before flat irons...I mean a clothes iron. Yep. And boy was it straight! I was not allowed to die my hair; not even highlights. I remember using sun in and tanning on my roof. I guess orange was lighter than brown, right?! Junior year of Hugh school I discovered temporary color. Cinnamon was my choice of color. It had a burgundy, red hue. It went perfect with my milky white skin and my fake green contacts. It was just like being Irish for real! Then senior pictures came and went and everyone...I mean everyone...was cutting their hair off. I mean we grew our hair out for senior pictures right? That's over and I have the pictures to prove it, so cut it off! The year was 1994...and the bob was back in full effect. So, I did it. I cut off my long hair. I got a boyfriend who liked the short hair cut and had an awesome fall of my senior year. Then. I got pregnant and boy did that hair grow! Quickly! Thank God, because we definitely didn't think about prom when we cut all that hair off. So for prom, we tried an up-do. Hmmmm. Not so much. But I was pregnant with the boyfriend who liked short hair, right?! Well, being pregnant, my mom gave me a bit of advice (this one was about hair)..."you will want to grow it out, so when the baby comes you can just out it in a pony tail. You know when you are a mom you may not have time to take care of yourself". So I started growing it out. The boyfriend went to military training and I got hugely pregnant, and the hair grew quickly. The baby was born and my mom was right! My hair did not matter at all. Weird thing is, it became straight. Then the boyfriend who liked short hair became the husband who liked long hair. So I just kept on growing it. Problem was, it was still straight, but only in some places. So some hairstylist in Texas told me if I wanted my hair to be all curly (think bigger) I needed a perm. Flash back to sixth grade when my mom gave my a perm....ewwwww yuck! But she promised me that a spiral perm would be perfect! So I sat, and sat, and sat in the chair and stood, and stood on the floor to let her spiral perm the hair that was almost all the way down my back. Seven hours later, I loved it! Six months later the husband who liked long hair became the husband who liked the short-haired best friend of the wife with long hair. I moved home, changed my life and chopped it all felt awesome. Letting go. Cutting that hair felt like cutting all the hurt in my life. It helped! Then as a single mom, I didn't have time for hair. School full full time...parent full time...pony tail time. Over time and through relationships, I had long hair, then short hair. I could change my life through hair! Changes in hair color, hair cuts and hair do's changed my life. Then I made the biggest hair mistake ever...EVER! I couldn't wait to get an appointment with my hairstylist, or I was in between hairstylists...I don't remember. All I remember is that I was going through a bad break up and I needed to feel better. So I headed to the mall. Yep. I made that mistake. I walked in and I signed the book. "Did I have a special stylist?" the receptionist people actually have a favorite stylist at the mall? "Nope...". Now I know what you are all thinking...I should have run. But I figured I would give him benefit of the doubt. I showed him a picture. He got it. Then he started cutting. I should have known when he was measuring with a comb that he had no clue...but once he started cutting there was nothing I could do. Everyone in that place watched this guy butcher my hair. Tears rolled down my face, I paid and I ran out to my car. And I cried. I cried over the broken heart, I cried over my short, curly, Afro, I cried because I knew it was my fault. The relationship, the hair, the damage. That was my penance. And that was the end of using my hair to make me a different person. It took four months to look presentable. I didn't wear a hat. And yes, people did talk and whisper behind my back. But four months later it was short, curly and spunky and I was back on the single market. I didn't care about my hair. I just washed it and let it do. That's what I had done for months and it looked as good as it was going to look. I met the man that I knew I would spend the rest of my life with during that time. If he could love me with my hair looking like this, it had to be true love, right? So my new man, my new hair and I got married and I let it grow...and grow. Then, I got pregnant. I remember what my mom had said. So I continued to grow my hair. Then Alex was born and he loved my long hair! He loved it so much that during feedings he would reach his hands behind my neck and pull....PULL! And the pain was bad. After a couple of months I had had it. I went straight to the hair dresser (well Frank's at the time, because mine didn't come back after Katrina) and I said take it all off. All of the back. Short. And that was it. Short it stayed. Several styles. Several colors. Another pregnancy began the grow out phase. Then the cut phase. About a year after I had Grace I decided to grow out my hair. Not sure why, but it was very hard. I had never made it past the weird grow out phase in the past few years. I always gave and cut it off. This time I decided I would grow it out. The husband had never seen it long except when I was pregnant and hormonal. The other night my mom watched Grace while we spent quality time with Alex and Kait. We came back to her house and Gracie was doing my moms hair. It was like going back in time. I've tried to think of the reasons I decided growing my hair out was a good idea. In the past I have been through doing my hair for other people and doing it for myself. Now I realize I have grown out my hair so that my baby girl can play beauty shop with it. Does it hurt? Hell yes! Like you wouldn't believe. But she loves it and I love her, so I grin and bear it, and always make sure to say "oh lady, you did a wonderful job with my hair! Thanks so much!". And I make sure to tip the hair dresser, in chocolate of course!

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Check out my husbands user testimonial on an international photography processing website!!! Go Frank Aymami!

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Yesterday was the worst day ever. Ok. Probably not really. But it was pretty bad. My husband said I wasn't updating this as I should, so I figured what the hell. I tell everyone everything anyway, why not?

For a while I've been knowing that I need to lose weight. Being the same weight as I was when I was 9 months pregnant with Gracie will do it. The clothes don't always fit as nicely.

Ok so. No one wants to believe they are fat right? I mean. Ok. I had two kids! That's it! But then I see other moms that have had like five, and are thin and fit (that's for the next Ok. It's got to be the IUD. Yea. So I read up on that on the Internet. That's it! The belly bulge; the extra weight! So like all people in denial do...I'll just take it out! It's definitely not the fast food that I eat almost every day. Or the candy bars the kids are selling around school. It's the PMS symptoms. Yes! That's it! I'm not out of shape. It's my knee. That's why it hurts when I run. We don't have money ti join a gym. It's too hot to exercise. I need rest. I'm stressed out. What will I do with the kids? This skinny moms have money. They belong to an expensive gym that has child care.

Those bitches. How come they can be skinny? I guess I picked the wrong job. They get to stay home and just eat right and exercise! Super bitches! I guess they didn't have a child to support while they were in college. They didn't have to charge gas or groceries. I bet they got Road Home money. Or didn't lose all their shit in Katrina. Don't even get me started on that bitch. I bet they didn't have to go on bed rest for pregnancy where weight just goes to your ass. Maybe they don't have to commute across that stupid Huey. Freakin' construction! Why would they do this? I could be using this extra time to work out! How come when my IUD came out I didn't lose ten pounds? How come I just bled for like two months and GAINED weight? I knew I should have taken it out sooner! How come I had to take after my dad? I mean, I don't mind the type A, but the metabolism?! Why did my sister have to get my mom's body? And why couldn't I at least be taller? Why does my husband have to have so much self control? Why does he have to have the metabolism of the century? Why God?

Please God. Let me thin. I'd rather be dumb. Give me acne (ok...I accept the acne but the trade off was that I would be thin...). Dear God...I'll watch what I eat from now on. Just help me get started! Please? This is more important than money. I'll never ask for money again. Well I'll try not to. Please?! Ok. I'll try this shake stuff. Works for dad. If you let this work, I promise I'll...wait! I'll stop drinking! Yes! That's it! God, if you let me be thin, I'll stop drinking.

Ok God. I quit drinking. For two whole damn days. And I gained weight! This isn't fair! I might as well get fat! Nothing works!

OMG! I'm going to be fat forever. The kids at school are going to keep calling me fatty. I'm going to have to shop in the plus sizes. What an awful day. Couldn't find anything to wear to work! Kids at school made fun of my outfit and my belly. Alex asked if I have a baby in my belly. Had trouble getting out of the student desk at school. big do you think I will get? If I keep at this rate, five years from now I'll be over 200 pounds. Dr. Coleman says the foot injury is from high impact exercise with too much weight on my feet. No running/walking until I am down to 140. 140?! Do you realize I'm 175? Do you know that is like 35 pounds? What am I going to do? Great. Elevator broken. Time to climb three flights of stairs. Wait. Hold on Alex. Not sure if I can do it. He looks at me puzzled. Sorry. Mommy is too fat.

Hello. My name is Christy Michele Arbo Gautreau Aymami, and I am obese. Yes. That is the word that is typed in my file. In my health record for all to see. For my height and weight I am obese. I called my doctor today. I need help. Can you please help me? Dr. Coleman says no running until I reach 140. I haven't been 140 for 6 years. We decided on the 17 day diet by Dr. Moreno. Essentially it's 17 days no carb, no dairy; then 17 days adding in low fat dairy and whole grains; then 17 days adding in other foods little by little. It's been three days and I have to say I feel awesome. I drink nothing but water and diet green tea. No alcohol. I have to say...I am sleeping better. I'm not tired in the afternoon and I have my energy back a little more each day. The first two days were hard. Very hard. But I am teaching myself little by little how to eat sensibly. I am watching portion sizes and keeping a diet of everything that I eat. Will this work? Who knows. But I have support of my doctor and my family and all I know is something has to give. I just turned 34 but I was feeling like 40. I'm not afraid of getting old. I'm not afraid of 40. I'm afraid of not being able to keep up with my kids. I love family, I love my job, and I love my life. Now it's time to love myself.

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Reasons why I took this job are many. Rewards are like diamonds in the rough. In the end, will it all be worth it? I wanted to have more rime with my family. I am busier than ever. Is that because this job is more inboved? Is it because I can't do anything half ass and I put my whole soul in everything that I do? I think staying with micro would have been an easier job. But would I like myself 20 years from now? I hope that in order to do something that I love that I don't lose people that I care about in the process. That is NOT my intention.

Have we created a monster??? At a recent family gathering my son was playing with his toy trains when I noticed that his youngest cousin, Abigail was watching him. When I asked Alex if he had asked Abigail if she wanted to play, he replied with, "she can't...her hands are dirty". My heart sank. Being that we were at a family function and yelling would probably not be too good, I did the next best thing. If Alex thought Abigail was too dirty to touch his toys, then he would have to clean her up. I armed him with a baby wipe and told him to clean the red sauce off of Abigail so that they could both play. He looked at me like I was a moron (I might be), but he took the wipe and started cleaning her hands off. He finished the task by carefully wiping her mouth. She let him, oddly enough, and was rather pleased at the attempt. When Alex had finished cleaning her to his specifications, he asked her which train she would like to play with. She pointed to the bright red, shiny train and said, "James". Alex seemed happy to oblige. As I waled away, rather pleased at my parenting "rescue", I wondered if my husband and I had created this "clean freak". The thought quickly left my head as I watched another child at the party wipe their icing stained hands all over another woman's expensive purse...we done good.
Ok...So my doc is out of town (go figure), but I went for prenatal testing and an exam with the nurse practitioner taking calls for my doctor. Prenatal testing went well...heartrate normal, only one contraction, and fluid normal range. When I went to the nurse practitioner...she confirmed...still 3 cms dilated and still 75% effaced. She said it was highly likely that I would make it to the first, but she thinks not much after that. Who knows...these babies have a mind of their own!