WOW...I feel much better now. So...trying to keep the only two eyes that I have working well, I decided to (for once) abide by the unwritten "law" that you are supposed to change your mascara every three months. I head to the drugstore. I used to be a Maybelline Great Lash wearer, but recently purchased Cover Girl Lash Exact because it was buy one, get one free. Well...the day had come to replace to Cover Girl mascara. It worked "ok", but I was looking for thicker lashes. So...I decide to give Maybelline Great Lash "Extreme Black" a try. We are on a pretty tight budget, and for under $5, it fit! I didn't try it until the next day...and I noticed my eyes dry and itchy by the early afternoon. By evening, wen I went to remove my make-up, I realized that most of the mascara had flaked have been napping in the afternoon with this pregnancy, so I assumed that my mascara went the way of the pillow during naptime. Yesterday, I decided that I would buy a new mascara, because I was not happy with the results, but I had previously thrown away the Cover, I put a coat of the Maybelline Great Lash on my upper lashes only and headed out for the day of errands. By the time we came home for naptime, about 3 hours later, I was ready to scratch my eyes out of my head! I immediately cleaned off the mascara and went about the rest of the day. This morning my eyes were swollen shut. Yep...completely swollen, top and bottom lids. For about an hour this morning, I have exposed my face to cold compresses in the hopes of reducing the swelling...I can at least see this computer screen, but I want to kick someone's ass at Maybelline. I am beginning to think that I don't even want to put the new Cover Girl Lash Volume mascara on my eyes, and I might want to travel to the Clinique counter for good mascara...if this is what I get for trying to stay in a budget...the $20 co-pay for the eye doctor visit, and the $50 eye drops for this infection cost way more than the $25 tube of "expensive" mascara. Well, hopefully this clears up before this evening, otherwise Frankie will have to visit his friends alone...I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE LIKE THIS!
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